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Bookme ReviewManea - Footprints of KupePosted by Marlessa from New Zealand on 6 May 2024

  • Marlessa said... I took my international group here today and was so proud of the interactive and informative teachings we had today. From the building with short videos and games to the guided tour with our amazing knowledgeable guide through to the show we experienced with little surprises in and around the auditorium, we thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids prices were great too for families. Very proud of the fact that every building, the grounds and their facilities were VERY clean!! Too many attractions that our international and also our own people visit aren't kept to a clean standard, but this place is! Will be telling everyone who will listen to go and visit this place.

    A fascinating journey into Māori culture and the history of the legendary Kupe.

    A fascinating journey into Māori culture and the history of the legendary Kupe.

    A fascinating journey into Māori culture and the history of the legendary Kupe.

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